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[歐美] [西班牙][劇情] [東京之聲的地圖][中字RMVB/445M] [複製鏈接]

[西班牙][劇情] [東京之聲的地圖][中字RMVB/445M]# U0 {2 }$ Q- H" Y0 D
導演: Isabel Coixet
& \/ h5 j5 g7 {+ b( g3 i+ f" T編劇: 伊莎貝爾·科賽特
* e: O; q: B8 [' h; x: b3 `主演: 菊地凜子 / Sergi López
8 ~$ p9 _& T2 \7 Y$ S類型: 劇情
! B. w8 u9 P* @/ p" L6 i級別:0 V3 F5 |: m& |# t, j( c
製片國家/地區: 西班牙
8 N. I8 _* t/ B4 u0 E' Y語言: 日語 / 英語3 T( Y! x$ l" I5 @# a+ V; M
字幕:中文字幕) h( G% z+ l2 o% ]1 i
片長: 109 分鍾
3 Y/ K, ~2 Y* K4 D( T: P% E7 U$ u
0 h% C/ o* j* F- |4 a4 n3 ^5 a& yBrilliantly illuminated, a bustling metropolis of Tokyo, the distance between people and people are more and more far.
7 k# _1 o$ m7 B5 [* ZWorked in a company executives on Liang (Nakahara Takeo decoration) suddenlyheard the news, his love of the female small green love Dutch act, which makes goodnear collapse. His subordinates Ishida had a crush on little green, in order to resolvethe benign's grief, but also to express their depression, Ishida found the woman killerLing through brokers (Kikuchi Rinko decoration), asked her to kill the little greenboyfriend -- Wine businessman David from Spain (plug Sergi L ó PEZ Gio Lopezdecoration). Ling is a woman have no contact with anyone, she worked in Tokyo fish market, with heavy labor to prevent himself from thinking, old silent sound engineer(Tian Zhongmin decoration) is her only friend. The Ishida list, she alone came toDavid's shop, but in the shallow talk heart burst other feelings. The killer and the prey,and a misplaced resentment began......9 z( t0 d1 u- g3 N) z8 n
3 ?$ q( u, ]) Z5 N) u
1 [5 F" k3 p& R. w7 }
7 r' J' \9 S# ]% T/ g! H! `* ?8 W8 t

  Q4 y8 o8 F# Y: _- |$ Q* F8 B  D
種子下載:* s! Y+ X! f! j0 I5 t" m: i- ~* p% B& o
, @3 R1 @& L: W7 s7 hhttp://wpan.cc/file-342935.html
% X" Z4 t+ |3 ^( S. C
! V0 m* ^6 B* d# c7 h3 k7 |8 |0 M/ ?
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累計簽到:392 天
連續簽到:1 天
發表於 2023-9-25 01:03:22 | 只看該作者

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